Do you own a print by Georges Rouault? Print Appraisers can appraise, research, authenticate and provide certificates of
authenticity (COA) for all prints
by Georges Rouault.
Georges Rouault was a French painter and printmaker, known for his contributions to Fauvism. Rouault began his artistic career as an apprentice to a glass painter for five years. His skills as a glass painter gave Rouault the confidence to pursue a career as a painter. The young artists enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Rouault exhibited his paintings in salons with other fauvists, symbolists and expressionists.
Cirque de l’Etoile Filante. Aquatint and heliogravure. Printed by Vollard, Paris.
Bamboula. 1928. Etching, Drypoint.
During the 1900s Rouault’s work shifted thematically, becoming increasingly expressionist. Rouault created dark and controversial subjects such as prostitutes and clowns.
Triste Os from “Cirqie de l’Etoile Filante” 1934. Etching and aquatint
Chemineau (Vagabond). 1935. Color etching and aquatint.
Rouault produced a large number of print series during the 1920s and 30s. He used a variety of techniques, including etching, aquatint and heliogravure. Many of his prints are multi-color and use multiple processes in order to achieve a range of tones and textures. His prints took on motifs similar to his paintings: clowns, nudes or religious images. His subjects are believed to be a reflection on morality.
Reincarnation du PereUbu: frontispiece. 1918. Etching and aquatint.
Rouault’s style of printmaking has inspired future generations of printers and graphic artists.
Examination Locations - We conduct artwork examinations at a variety of locations for your convenience, including your home, office, bank, attorney's office, art storage facility, or hotel if you’re traveling. We can also arrange examinations at art galleries, auction houses, government agency offices, customs entry points, law enforcement offices or warehouses, places of worship, religious centers, organizational premises, libraries, colleges, museums, conservation studios, or laboratories. For insurance and liability purposes, we do not receive or examine artworks at our own facilities.
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