Do you own a print by Mauricio Lasansky? Print Appraisers can appraise, research, authenticate and provide certificates of authenticity (COA) for
all prints
by Mauricio Lasansky.
Mauricio Lasansky was an Argentine printmaker, sometimes referred to as “the father or modern printmaking.” Lasanksy studied printmaking and engraving under his own father, who had Polish heritage. After having his first major exhibition in 1943, Lasansky moved from Buenos Aires to New York City. Lasansky was the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship.
Changos. Etching. 1937/1980
Tragedia. Drypoint. 1935/1980
Young Lady. Engraving, etching, aquatint. 1968
Lasansky decided to stay in the US after gaining employment at the University of Iowa, where Lasansky ultimately started the first graduate printmaking program in the country. Despite his teaching position in Iowa, Lasansky continued to exhibit his work in New York at such prestigious locations as the Whitney Museum of Art.
My Boy. Engraving, etching, aquatint. 1947
Lasansky was a master of intaglio printmaking, working in drypoint, etching and relief etching. He also released a powerful series known as “The Nazi Drawings” that reflected on the atrocities of the Holocaust.
For an Eye an Eye IV. Etching, Engraving. 1946-48
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